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Jade K. Pham
Jade K. Pham
I swear i'm a dude
Présence : En douce remise en route
Notes remplies : 1994
Faceclaim : Pierre Xo | Ava : bibi & CS : Elina ♥
Jade K. Pham - (504) 215-1001 9w25
DC : Eleonora M., Sheamus W. et Kjaran V. Age : 33 Lieu de vie : Chez Christopher Hawkins aka Devon (Lakeview) Occupation : Styliste et serveur au Hunk Oasis Statut civil : Célibataire / Polyamoureux
#Sam 15 Juin - 19:25


Jade K. Pham - (504) 215-1001 Xkxf
Aria Bidule

Jade K. Pham - (504) 215-1001 Nkiq

Jade K. Pham - (504) 215-1001 GsWvRpeH_o
Cute Sober Boy


Jade K. Pham - (504) 215-1001 Uaxr

Jade K. Pham - (504) 215-1001 Alu6

Jade K. Pham - (504) 215-1001 Tveb

Jade K. Pham - (504) 215-1001 Kr1n
Erwyn (boulot)

Pour répondre:

- Best trio -
#Ven 27 Sep - 1:19
Cute sober boy

Dis, c'toujours aussi fun la Louisiane ou c'est juste une façon de me souhaiter la bienvenue ?

Oh god! C'est ton baptême d'ouragan! J'espère que tes à l'abris! Pour ta question, malheureusement il y a des ouragan chaque année, la grosseur varie ... Tu t'y fera ... ou au pire, la prochaine fois vient chez moi, j'ai l'habitude. Désoler si je te répond un peu en retard, mon frère m'aidait à soigner mes blessures ... t'en fait pas, je vais bien!

#Lun 3 Fév - 7:24

U up cutie?

How would I ever meet a vampire or a ghost if I'd be in bed at 10? Of course, I'm up. How are you, sweetheart?

#Lun 3 Fév - 20:05
Titre de la conversation

I have what I call deep drunk thoughts, u know what i mean? It's pathetic

Anyway, wabu? Any luck with ghost hunting? Or a vampire I should be jealous of?

I... kind of understand... thought I don't need alcohol to be in that poor state... Now you tell me who's pathetic. Ghosts... There's a lot of ghosts, yes. It's almost Shakespearian, my friend. Some appears in the corner of my eyes only to remind me that darkness is still there, somehere, ready to swallow me. Other reappears in their golden light, just in time for Mardi Gras. Like last year. But I'm not sure if it's real... or another trickery of the mind.

#Mar 4 Fév - 9:06
Drama Seb

wow. Deep, indeed, but definitely not pathetic. Do you need some compagny, love? I'm not a ghost but I'm ready to swallow you.

Confort you* damn autocorrect  Jade K. Pham - (504) 215-1001 274255408

Do we all hate autocorrect, right, darling? Please, come. I beg you. No solitude is worth a gloomy night of dark thoughts and melancholy like this. Friendship is the best recipe. But I must warn you, dear friend. There's no alcohol here. But.... my flatmate is at his boyfriend's so... Feel free to bring your own.

#Mar 4 Fév - 18:36
Titre de la conversation

Let me check what I have on hand, and i'll be omw. I may call you if i get lost!

Can't miss it. It's two mins from Mag's. You know, the burgundy house just beside that bloody baptist church. 805 Elysian Fields Ave.

#Jeu 13 Fév - 3:38
Titre de la conversation

Please, laugh.

OOOOOOOhhh, I adore this. This is exactly how I imagine Cage. Like an hairy dill pickle. I hate dill pickles.

#Jeu 13 Fév - 5:42


Do you enjoy breaking my heart again and again? Is it a game for you? :( WHO HATE NICOLAS CAGE THAT BAD? HOW IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE?

You mean... beside the fact that our bloody patronyms are almost the same? Beside the fact that he bought the Lalaurie House and lost it in foreclosure? Beside the fact that he had vandalized St-Louis Cemetary #1 with his ugly pyramid? He's soooo bad, I can't watch his movies. I mean, even I am better than him.

#Jeu 13 Fév - 11:28
Titre de la conversation

Speaking of ghost stories, didn't you promise me a one-on-one guided city tour, a while ago?  Jade K. Pham - (504) 215-1001 2556523268

Of course, love. A welshman hold to his promises, tight? I'm free wednesday and thursday nights.

#Sam 7 Mar - 1:46
Drama Seb

Hey Jade. I was a bit shy last time to ask... I know you're leaving with a colleague which you're very fond of... But do you remember the "bike's room" at my place? I was wondering... if you still looking for a place to live... that room is all yours, you know?

#Jeu 11 Juin - 21:25
Dans mon rp avec Anna, Aaron envois un message à Jade après avoir apprit qu'il ne pouvait plus faire l'armée chez le médecin. Probablement qu'il était au courant du rendez-vous sinon il va tout lui expliquer :sisi:

Cute sober boy

Hey ... j'espère que ça va toi. Je ... j'ai eu une bonne/mauvaise nouvelle ... est-ce qu'on peut ce voir ce soir?

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